What is a Neighbourhood House?

Neighbourhood Houses are local organisations that provide social, educational and recreational activities for their communities in a welcoming and supportive environment underpinned by a community development framework. Neighbourhood houses are usually managed by volunteer committees and paid staff. They offer many opportunities for participation in all aspects of the house activities and management.

Neighbourhood Houses are known by many different names including:

  • Community Houses
  • Neighbourhood Centres
  • Learning Centres
  • Community Centres
Activities are usually run at cost price and often include:
  • English as an additional language (EAL) classes
  • Learning and skills development for people with disabilities
  • Art classes and drop in activities
  • Gentle exercise for older people
  • Yoga
  • Health and well-being
  • Singing
  • Gardening
  • Computers: from beginners to advanced
  • Cooking
  • Social groups such as book clubs and craft groups
  • One off arts, issues based or community events/festivals throughout the year

Sources of funding for Neighbourhood Houses include:

  • Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Neighbourhood House Coordination Program
  • Local government support either through direct funding or through in-kind provision of property and services
  • ACFE funding to Learn Local organisations
  • One off funding through federal, state and philanthropic grants
  • There are 54 Neighbourhood Houses / Community Centres in Network West across the western metropolitan region of Melbourne.
  • These include community-managed and council managed houses/centres.
  • Some of our members are also ACFE-funded Learn Locals and RTOs.

For a snapshot of the value of Neighbourhood Houses/Community Centres in the Western region Click Here (based on NHVic Surveys 2023)

For a list and map of Network West Member Houses Click Here