Volunteer West provides a face-to-face service for people interested in volunteering across the western suburbs, which includes a referral service in Hobsons Bay, Melton, Brimbank, Wyndham and Maribyrnong council areas. They also offer free monthly networking meetings for volunteer managers and extensive training and development for best practice volunteer management.
Go Volunteer (an initiative of Volunteering Australia) – advertises volunteering opportunities
Wyndham City Council Volunteer Directory – search for volunteering opportunities in the Wyndham area or register as an organisation to advertise your volunteering opportunity.
The National Standards for Volunteer Involvement (Volunteering Australia) contain benchmarks specifically designed to help organisations attract, manage, recognise and retain volunteers, and to manage risk and safety with respect to volunteers.
Volunteering Victoria is the state peak body for volunteering, focussing on advocacy, sector development and the promotion of volunteering.
Volunteering Tasmania calculator – calculates the value of volunteering