Community Development

What is Community Development?link to NHVic website on Neighbourhood House sector principles and framework – Click here

Excellent summary on what is community development, what it is not, when to use it and key definitions: Australian Institute of Family Studies – Click here

Excellent Overview of Community Development Principles: presentation by Helen Rodd, Victoria Polytechnic Contemporary CD Practice – Click here

“From welfare to place management: challenges and development for service delivery in the community sector” Smith Family Briefing Paper Click here 

Bank of Ideas: 137 community project ideas that build social capitalClick here

Effective Community Engagement Toolkit – Department of Sustainability and Environment: A comprehensive list of tools for assisting in the planning, implementation and evaluation of community engagement activities: The Engagement Toolkit, Click Here

Assets Based Community Development – What is it all about? Click here

International Association of Community Development  have identified eight themes that are common across practice in community development, Click Here

See the Surgical Gowns sewing project movie here